Director's Report: Architecture

Every level begins as a shape; a simple floor plan. The Designer focuses on the journey the player will make: is it a vertical climb, a wide-open room, or a narrow claustrophobic passage? What will define the level? Walking through this simple proto-level in VR almost always creates sparks of inspiration. Adjustments are made to the floor plan, enemies are added, and the lighting is generated.  

The raw experience of the level is complete. Now the visual components will be added in layers: first the largest objects (such as pillars and landscapes), then smaller barriers and railings, and finally the finer details: simple decals (such as dirt, scratches, and rust) and debris. Dust Particle systems in the air add an amazing amount of depth.  

Static objects (crates, barrels, etc.) are given set positions to randomly spawn in. The enemy placement is reviewed to ensure fairness and continuity. At this stage, the level will be rigorously tested and improved. Iteration after Iteration.  

The immersive power of audio cannot be over-exaggerated. The Designer uses audio to strengthen the visuals, but also to immerse the player by implying the existence of other rooms. A metal bang from deep within, muffled screams from a distant place. The player is not exploring a level, they are exploring a world.

-The Director

Files 52 MB
Nov 07, 2023

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